
A Step Of Faith…

Photo of a dock on a lake

I have been in full-time Children’s Ministry for 17 years.  During that time…

  • I have loved the calling God has had on my life.
  • I have loved leading teams and growing the children’s ministries in three churches in Indiana, Arizona, and Ohio.
  • I have enjoyed connecting with parents while loving on babies and children of all ages.

It has been amazing—God has been so good!

However, over the past year, I sensed God calling me to something new. God has continued to put this passage from Isaiah before me. 

See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)

While Kevin and I were on vacation in late August,  I was listening to a podcast. The speaker talked about the attributes of Jesus. When she said Jesus surrendered to the will of his Father I began to weep. I knew it was time to surrender to what I have known and step into the unknown. I came back and told my pastor I would probably transition in June of 2020. 

Then, while on a personal retreat on October 10, I spent time praying and listening. I heard the Lord say, “Do you trust me?” I heard him say it several times that morning while sitting on a cabin porch.

Another time when I was sitting on the wooden dock at the pond. He said, “I am calling you out on the water. Are you going to step out?” I went home and told Kevin that knew it was time to submit my resignation and step out on the waters of uncertainty. in faith and trust that God will lead me forward.

Therefore, I submitted my resignation effective December 31, 2019. No, I am not leaving Salem Church of God to go be a children’s pastor at another church. I am simply stepping out in faith and trusting God will lead me where he wants me.