

Girl pondering with graphic hearts and a question mark

But Moses pleaded with the Lord, “O Lord, I’m not very good with words. I never have been, and I’m not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled.

Exodus 4:10 NLT

Moses was taught all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was powerful in both speech and action.

Acts 7:22 NLT

Recently, my husband and I were talking about the difference between these two passages. He asked me, “Do you see the difference?”

After I pondered it for a while, I realized the difference between the two scriptures was Moses’ mindset. He didn’t think he was prepared or a very good speaker. Yet, with God’s leading, Moses was quite powerful in word and action. He was able to confront one of the most powerful world leaders at the time and free the Israelites.

While Kevin and I were talking about this change in mindset, he said something that totally changed my perspective. He said that it is just as hard work to sit down and write as it is to do physical labor. WOW. I had never thought about the process of writing as labor-intensive as compared to the physical labor I am so used to doing. I have spent my whole life working hard. It’s how I was raised. All I have known is do DO. God is calling me to BE so I can write.

I have struggled with the process of writing and speaking because I have never felt it has been a strength of mine. My husband tells me I am an excellent speaker. He has told me that when I am upfront, I appear very comfortable and confident. If I am going to share my message, I need to change my mindset and start believing I am a good writer and a good speaker. I know with practice, will come ease and comfort. 

How about you? Do you need a change in mindset? Do you need a fresh perspective? I challenge you to stop thinking you are not good at something (fill in the blank) and start believing you are capable! With God’s help — you can do anything!